Sopa Gelada de Uvaia e Baunilha
100g de polpa de uvaia picada (guardar uns pedaços bonitos para decorar)
60g de açúcar cristal
130ml de água
150ml de iogurte natural
Ferver a baunilha por cinco minutos em uma calda rala, feita com açúcar e água. Retirar a fava, deixar a calda esfriar e misturar a uvaia picada e o iogurte, batendo no liquidificador. Gelar, mas deixar líquida. Eu servi decorada com os pedaços de uvaia reservados, folhas de cidró e um risco de geleia de uvaia. Miam, miam!
Cold soups are a lovely tradition in the Polish summer (although, as I could witness, they keep eating the hot ones despite the weather). My version is an uvaia and vanilla chlodnik: 100g of uvaia, clean and seedless; 60g sugar, 130ml water, 150ml plain yogurt, a vanilla bean. Boil the vanilla bean for five minutes in a syrup made of the water and the sugar. Remove the vanilla bean. After the syrup has cooled down, mix it with the uvaia and the yogurt and let it in the freezer until cool, but still soft. Yummy.
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