Keeping a garden means hard working. There is constant worrying about who is gonna look after the plants and, unlike children or pets, you can't carry them around every time you need to travel. To achieve a pale emulation of the delicate natural balance between a plant and its enviromnment is difficult and sometimes frustrating. However, the rewards do come, not only from greater nutritional value, but mostly from finding, early in the morning, my first self-grown peas. It was a special way to begin the day.

Plantas morrem a todo momento, porém. Uma guerra é travada todos os dias num jardim, por menor que ele seja. É preciso semear sempre, a fim de garantir a continuidade das espécies, repor as perdas, refazer canteiros. Estamos sempre reenvasando mudas, transferindo para um vaso maior as plantas crescidas, estaqueando, adubando, remediando, protegendo do sol, do vento e até da chuva em excesso. Um jardim é como um amor ou uma carreira ou um projeto importante: requer dedicação, disciplina, abnegação e perseverância, além de tolerância infinita diante das perdas imprevisíveis. Um jardim é um microcosmo da vida.
Despite all your loving and caring, plants do die. There is an everlasting war in every garden, small as it may be. It is possible to feel oneself into the circle of life, fighting for food against weather and insects, fungus and many other species. A garden requires as much attention as a relationship, a career or any other significant human goal. Discipline, commitment and perseverance are needed, in addition to endless abilities to deal with loss. A garden is life in a snowball.
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